Things you should always avoid in events

Event management is a very challenging and tough job. One should be very alert while making decisions that too with accuracy and precision. An event requires stratergies, hardwork, budgeting, audio-video production, script writing, logistics, client services, creative, marketing, brand building and knowledge to make it a successful event.
There are certain flaws that most of the event managers make while organising the events.
1. Not carrying an alternate plan: At the time of event, there is no such certainity about the things that they will work properly and everything will work according to the plan. So in case, the master plan fails one should always keep the alternate plan handy to keep the things going.

2. Shortage of food: At the time of event, we cannot control the audience to consume food according to the supply, so an event manager should always be prepared with extra supply and also the catering team at the venue.

3. Not a good Improviser: one should always follow the ideal plan which is made at the time of planning, but he/she should always looks for some better options for the on the spot changes. This one the spot changes at the time of event is called improvisation.

4. Not carring extra money apart from budget: At the time of event, there are 100 tasks that are to done so carring an extra budget in case of crisis is a must for events.

5. Weak structure: Having a weak plan or a weak structure which in not active at the time of work is also a major drawback for the organisation as a weak structure will not be able to complete the given work and hence it will lead to failure.

6. Timing is everything: This is the main and the most crutial thing is time, when to do what and what should be released at what time and the prime thing should be done at the time when everyone is present.

7. Using very common theme: The theme should not be very common as the theme of the event also attracts the audience to decide wheather to engage in the event or not.

Author: Akansha chand


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