4 Reasons print media is the key to public relations

According to Forbes Magazine, print materials and publications offer your customers and prospects a brand experience that cant be replicated online. which means that what we can have in print can be replicated online and most of the audience reads that and uses mobiles and apps to get access to news.
But despite of so many apps and online portals for the news and articles people still prefer news papers and magzine i.e. print media to believe on the facts. moreover people tend to trust the articles they read.
There are 4 main reasons that print media is the key to public relations:
1. Print is the highest selling news medium: newspaper is the largest way to spread news as India has many regional languages, also in India people prefer reading newspapers more than relying on the internet apps and e newspapers. They tend to find newspaper articles more relaible than the online sites and social media posts and therefore they trust them more easily. In most towns and cities, the local newspaper still has the biggest staff of journalists. Hand-in-hand with a good bullpen is the idea of specialization. A beat reporter (health, business, education, government, etc.) can be a big help to an organization looking to promote, publicize or influence behavior.

2. Availabilty: the availability of newspaper is more than online and any other medium as there may be a place where the signals of internet is not available but there can be rarely any place left where newspaper is not available, so hence the reach of newspaper is more. Newspapers are easy to use and are everywhere. They can be dropped at your doorstep, left out (for free) at businesses for customers, and everyone knows how to use them. And as long as a newspaper isnt in a trash can, the information it provides is ready for the taking by anyone of any age. No batteries or wifi required.

3. Trust: people feel prominance and proximity in reading the articles. people tend to believe what they read rather than what they hear through other people. Fact-checking and accuracy is a big deal. it is quite obvious that people will trust what they read and will try to cross cheak the things from any relaible source so they will refer to the newspaper. so public relations can be easily maintained through print media.

4. The target audience: the target audience of the newspaper is the largest as there can be age groups of other mediums of the news like social media is mostly used by youth, radio is mostly used by the old generations and tv watching people belongs to the middle aged people, but for newspaper every age group reads it and considers it as the great source of knowledge.

Believe it or not, print media is actually an extremely affordable way to break into public relations. So, by all these factors print media can be considered as the key to public relations. A strategic combination of print and digital communication can maximize the impact of your message because print offers benefits that digital doesnt, and that digital combined with print advertising is more powerful than digital alone. A strategic use of print media can most effectively and efficiently increases your sales, revenue and profits. But traditional print advertising retains many of the advantages that made it the lifeblood of marketing communications for decades. For book publishers seeking credibility, repetition and a closer connection with their target buyers, the benefits of print ads may outweigh even the most-used digital media. Print media is not just benificial for Public relations but it also plays important role in advertising. people mostly consider advertising from the newspaper and pick up contact numbers from the printes advertisement

Things you should always avoid in events

Event management is a very challenging and tough job. One should be very alert while making decisions that too with accuracy and precision. An event requires stratergies, hardwork, budgeting, audio-video production, script writing, logistics, client services, creative, marketing, brand building and knowledge to make it a successful event.
There are certain flaws that most of the event managers make while organising the events.
1. Not carrying an alternate plan: At the time of event, there is no such certainity about the things that they will work properly and everything will work according to the plan. So in case, the master plan fails one should always keep the alternate plan handy to keep the things going.

2. Shortage of food: At the time of event, we cannot control the audience to consume food according to the supply, so an event manager should always be prepared with extra supply and also the catering team at the venue.

3. Not a good Improviser: one should always follow the ideal plan which is made at the time of planning, but he/she should always looks for some better options for the on the spot changes. This one the spot changes at the time of event is called improvisation.

4. Not carring extra money apart from budget: At the time of event, there are 100 tasks that are to done so carring an extra budget in case of crisis is a must for events.

5. Weak structure: Having a weak plan or a weak structure which in not active at the time of work is also a major drawback for the organisation as a weak structure will not be able to complete the given work and hence it will lead to failure.

6. Timing is everything: This is the main and the most crutial thing is time, when to do what and what should be released at what time and the prime thing should be done at the time when everyone is present.

7. Using very common theme: The theme should not be very common as the theme of the event also attracts the audience to decide wheather to engage in the event or not.

Actual definition of event management

“It always seems impossible, until it is done.” says Nelson mandela. same with events it always seems difficult and a bit daunting to manage large events but once its done its done.
Event management is a powerfull blend of creative and technical skills that are essential for creation and delivery of any live experience. The job of event manager is nothing like quite like a buzz of delivering a ‘live show’. it is a creative, energetic, intense and totally varried, No day is same in event management as no event is same as the other.
For the event management we need an event manager for who deals with the tasks that need to be done for an event to be a successful event.

#What all tasks does it require to organise any event?
event requires stratergies, hardwork, budgeting, audio-video production, script writing, logistics, client services, creative, marketing, brand building and knowledge to make it a successful event. So these all tasks are handled by an event manager and the process of handeling all these tasks is called event planing.
It requires an eye for detail, organised mind, hardwork, planning team player, multitaking skills, creativity skills and a lots and lots of jugaad for the easy flow of the event. it is never like bed of roses in event management, as they put in their best efforts to maintain the smile on the faces of the clients.
From serving food to people to accomodation to busy schedules of the events, it takes a lot more of hardwork to create a successful event.

People tend to make mistake while understanding the actual meaning of event management by considering it as the management of any event but it is much more than that, it is the organising, creating and developing of a large scale events such as festivals, conventions, parties, ceremonies, formal meetings and even weddings.
“A goal without a plan is a just a wish.” says Antoine de Sant-Exupery. The process of planning and coordinating the event is usually referred to as event planning and which can include budgeting, scheduling, site selection, acquiring necessary permits, coordinating transportation and parking, arranging for speakers or entertainers, arranging decor, event security, catering, coordinating with third party vendors, and emergency plans. Each event is different in its nature so process of planning & execution of each event differs on basis of type of event.
The events industry now includes events of all sizes from the Olympics down to business breakfast meetings. Many industries, charitable organizations, and interest groups hold events in order to market themselves, build business relationships, raise money, or celebrate achievement.

Event management can also be used as a promotional activity amoung the public. Companies can benefit from promotional events as a way to communicate with current and potential customers. For instance, these advertising-focused events can occur as press conferences, promotional events, or product launches.
Event management is linked with the public relations as it also deals with the image building and regulating good messeges amoung the public that the company is good and make people realise that why would they choose the comany for investment and indulge in the activites related to the organisation.
To grab the attention of companies, max number of the audience is one of the motives of events. Events also helps company to grow and also maintain a goodwill image of the organisation, this comes under public relations.
In public relations they do promotions by the means of presentations, conferences, events, direct interactions etc. public relations agencies interact with the event management comanies to organise their events or sometimes they have their own agency.

Kidney stones 

Kidney is a very important organ of our body. Kidney does the filteratation of liquids in our body. But sometimes we eat bad and sometimes the amount of impurities are high in our food then that impurity gets collected in our filteratation process and becomes stone. Kidney stones are quite common these days as the food we eat is not so pure, infact we eat food with impurities.

This kidney stone can be very harmful as it causes immense pain in the abdomen area and can damage the urinary system of a person. Sometimes even bleeding is seen while urination. Kidney stones restricts the flow of urine hence disturbs excretion. This causes a lot of discomfort.

There are various methods to remove the kidney stone :

  • Medicines
  • Laproscopy
  • Operation

The stone is nothing but the excess amount of calcium deposits in the excretory system. That calcium becomes hard by time and gets comverted into stone and these calcium deposits sometimes becomes painful and damages the inner walls or the specific organ.


  • Severe pain in the back and ribs.
  • Pain in urination .
  • Dark colored urine.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Pain that comes in waves and fluctuates intensity.
  • Persistent need to urinate.


Diabetes is a disease which is caused by the imbalance of blood glucose level or when the blood sugar levels are high. Insulin is the hormone which digests this glucose from the food we eat. There are 2 types of diabetes:

  • Type 1: in this the body does not make insulin.
  • Type2: in this body does not make use of that insulin well without enough insulin the glucose stays in your body.

Pre-diabetes is the stage where the blood sugar level is higher than normal but as high enough to be called diabetes. This may have a higher risk of type 2 diabetes .

Having too much glucose in blood can ve dangerous like loss of eye sight, kidney problems and nerves problems. Also if a woman is pregnant she can also get diabetes that is called gestational diabetes.

There is no such treatment for diabetes one can only control the level of glucose in their body by medicines or by controlling their diet.

Don’t only medicate but also hydrate! 

Water..the mixture of double hydrogen and one oxygen is very necessary in out life. One need oxygen the most and secondly we need water for our survival. Out body contains 70% water.

There are many Benifits of drinking water:

  • Drink a lot of water as soon as you wake up to flush out harmfull toxins.
  • It maintains better metabolism.
  • It prevents cramps and sprains.
  • Promotes wieght loss.
  • Gives better immunity.
  • Improves skin complexion.
  • Natural remedy for headache.
  • Puts you in a good mood.

One should drink atleast 8 glass of water each day.

Water can:

  • Prevent kidney stones.
  • Prevent urinary tract diseases.
  • Reduces heartburn.
  • Prevents constipation.
  • Prevents cough, cold and repiratory problems.

Heart attacks

Heart is the most crucial organ of the human body. It fuctions from birth  to the death of a person.  Its main function  is to pump blood. Heart muscles requires a constant  supply of oxygen rich blood to nurish it.  The arteries provides the heart with critical blood supply. Those arteries become narrow and restrict the flow of oxygenated blood. 

Compounds of calcium, fatty matter and protiens gets deposited  inside the arteries that compound is called plaque and that plaque is hard from the outside  and soft from the inside which when that plaque cracks the blood clots around it resulting into starvation  of oxygenated blood to the heart. Then this clotting of blood causes heart attack and a permanent  damage. 

What food items to eat to reduce the risk og heart attack :

Say no to drugs

Drugs! Drug is any substance (other than food that provides nutritional support)  that when inhaled, injected, smoked, consumed, absorbed via patch on the skin, or dissolved  under tongue, causes a physiological change in the body. 

Youngsters think that taking drugs is cool. They give many reasons of taking drugs they say “I do drugs because its fun,  I do drugs because I am so depressed, I do drugs because  no one loves me” and so on. 

There are many Harmfull effects of taking drugs. Consumption of drugs damages almost every  organ of the body. I may not only ruin the life of the person who consumes drugs but also the lives of people who are associated  with them. The harmfull effects of drugs are:

  • It weakens the immune system. 
  • It causes vometting.
  • It causes pain in the abdomen. 
  • It makes the person aggressive 
  • Sometimes the person may lose self control. 
  • Using of i injections can lead to collapsed veins and infected blood vessels. 

Belly button

BELLY BUTTON  or NABHI Is  an amazing  gift given to us by god. If we oil our belly button daily with various  oils we can have many benefits  of it.
If you apply neem oil to your belly button this can help you get rid of pimples, mustard oil can help you get rid of cracked lips, almond oil can help you in getting glowing skin same as applying clarified butter  to belly button helps you in  getting soft skin.

According to Science, the first part created after conception takes place is the belly button. After it’s created, it joins to the mother’s placenta through the umbilical chord.

Applying oil to belly button CURES dryness of eyes, poor eyesight, pancreas over or under working, cracked heels and lips, keeps face glowing, shiny hair, knee pain, shivering, lethargy, joint pains, dry skin. 
*REMEDY For dryness of eyes, poor eyesight, fungus in nails, glowing skin, shiny hair*
At night before bed time, put 3 drops of pure ghee or coconut oil in your belly button and spread it 1 and half inches around your belly button. 


*For knee pain* 
At night before bed time, put 3 drops of castor oil in your belly button and spread it 1 and half inches around your belly button.
*For shivering and lethargy, relief from joint pain, dry skin* 
At night before bed time, put 3 drops of mustard oil in your belly button and spread it 1 and half inches around your belly button.
You belly button can detect which veins have dried up and pass this oil to it hence open them up.
When a baby has a stomach ache, we normally mix asafoetida (hing) and water or oil and apply around the naval. Within minutes the ache is cured. Oil works the same way. 

So clearly we can say our belly button is a magical thing that we can use to cure small problems of our daily  life! 


Towards a non side effective treatment 

Aayurveda is the treatment  or tbe system of medicine with historical roots in the INDIAN subcontinent. Globalised and modernised practised derived from aayurveda traditions. It was originated  from INDIA.  

Ayurveda names 7 basic tissues (dhatu)

Plasma (rasa) 

Blood (rakta)

Muscles (mamsa)

Fat (meda)

Bone (arthi)

Marrow (majja)

Semen (shukra)

Like the medicine of clasic antiquity ayurveda has historically divided bodily substances into 5 classical elements (panchabhuta).






Ayurveda has 3 elemental substances doshas (vata,pitta and kapha). If some of these has an inbalance then it gives rise to diseases.