4 Reasons print media is the key to public relations

According to Forbes Magazine, print materials and publications offer your customers and prospects a brand experience that cant be replicated online. which means that what we can have in print can be replicated online and most of the audience reads that and uses mobiles and apps to get access to news.
But despite of so many apps and online portals for the news and articles people still prefer news papers and magzine i.e. print media to believe on the facts. moreover people tend to trust the articles they read.
There are 4 main reasons that print media is the key to public relations:
1. Print is the highest selling news medium: newspaper is the largest way to spread news as India has many regional languages, also in India people prefer reading newspapers more than relying on the internet apps and e newspapers. They tend to find newspaper articles more relaible than the online sites and social media posts and therefore they trust them more easily. In most towns and cities, the local newspaper still has the biggest staff of journalists. Hand-in-hand with a good bullpen is the idea of specialization. A beat reporter (health, business, education, government, etc.) can be a big help to an organization looking to promote, publicize or influence behavior.

2. Availabilty: the availability of newspaper is more than online and any other medium as there may be a place where the signals of internet is not available but there can be rarely any place left where newspaper is not available, so hence the reach of newspaper is more. Newspapers are easy to use and are everywhere. They can be dropped at your doorstep, left out (for free) at businesses for customers, and everyone knows how to use them. And as long as a newspaper isnt in a trash can, the information it provides is ready for the taking by anyone of any age. No batteries or wifi required.

3. Trust: people feel prominance and proximity in reading the articles. people tend to believe what they read rather than what they hear through other people. Fact-checking and accuracy is a big deal. it is quite obvious that people will trust what they read and will try to cross cheak the things from any relaible source so they will refer to the newspaper. so public relations can be easily maintained through print media.

4. The target audience: the target audience of the newspaper is the largest as there can be age groups of other mediums of the news like social media is mostly used by youth, radio is mostly used by the old generations and tv watching people belongs to the middle aged people, but for newspaper every age group reads it and considers it as the great source of knowledge.

Believe it or not, print media is actually an extremely affordable way to break into public relations. So, by all these factors print media can be considered as the key to public relations. A strategic combination of print and digital communication can maximize the impact of your message because print offers benefits that digital doesnt, and that digital combined with print advertising is more powerful than digital alone. A strategic use of print media can most effectively and efficiently increases your sales, revenue and profits. But traditional print advertising retains many of the advantages that made it the lifeblood of marketing communications for decades. For book publishers seeking credibility, repetition and a closer connection with their target buyers, the benefits of print ads may outweigh even the most-used digital media. Print media is not just benificial for Public relations but it also plays important role in advertising. people mostly consider advertising from the newspaper and pick up contact numbers from the printes advertisement

Author: Akansha chand


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