Kidney stones 

Kidney is a very important organ of our body. Kidney does the filteratation of liquids in our body. But sometimes we eat bad and sometimes the amount of impurities are high in our food then that impurity gets collected in our filteratation process and becomes stone. Kidney stones are quite common these days as the food we eat is not so pure, infact we eat food with impurities.

This kidney stone can be very harmful as it causes immense pain in the abdomen area and can damage the urinary system of a person. Sometimes even bleeding is seen while urination. Kidney stones restricts the flow of urine hence disturbs excretion. This causes a lot of discomfort.

There are various methods to remove the kidney stone :

  • Medicines
  • Laproscopy
  • Operation

The stone is nothing but the excess amount of calcium deposits in the excretory system. That calcium becomes hard by time and gets comverted into stone and these calcium deposits sometimes becomes painful and damages the inner walls or the specific organ.


  • Severe pain in the back and ribs.
  • Pain in urination .
  • Dark colored urine.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Pain that comes in waves and fluctuates intensity.
  • Persistent need to urinate.

Author: Akansha chand


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